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Title: PHF02, Foundation Physics A
Institution: University of the South Pacific, Fiji



This is the first course in a two-semester series designed to establish the physical concepts necessary for further study in science at the degree level. Scientific method and principles are emphasised throughout. Topics include measurement and interpretation of data, translational kinematics and dynamics, rotation, conservation of energy and momentum, gravitation, heat, heat transfer, gas laws, and thermodynamics.

Miller, College Physics (6th Edition), 1982;
Stanley, Study Guide for Millers Physics (6th Edition).

Assessment is by coursework (50%) and examination (50%). Students not completing at least 75% of the laboratory work will not normally be allowed to sit the final examination.

Prerequisite(s): A good pass in University Entrance or equivalent.



Media and methods employed: Printed text.
Printed correspondence texts prepared by/for institution, course guide, laboratory work.

Administrative information:
This is a one semester course.


070430 PHYSICS

Date: 19 August 1996 vmb
Source: 1996 Handbook

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